5 things to do instead of sulking about your unachieved goals!

Amos Rebecca
3 min readJun 30, 2022
I recently realized strawberries are beautiful, join me in admiring this nature!

Hey, I know the first half of 2022 has been a handful; so many things have happened in the world, in Africa, and in Nigeria. Some of these things may be positive while others may be negative. The most important thing is that you are alive and definitely have a reason to be grateful.

You braved it all with a bold smile. You are a winner and you deserve all the goodness in the world to pamper yourself. This year has awakened so much has happened in us that we didn’t expect. Most of us have done things beyond our expectations. Like always, so many things left our jaws dropping for more than a minute.

As much as I want to scold you for not sticking to most of your goals this year so far, I would love to applaud you for not giving up, not stopping, and not letting anyone stop you. We all know it’s difficult to keep moving when everything around us seems to be going backward. You are a hero. Did you just smile? Don’t feel bad; you deserve it!

All in the spirit of appraisal, I have a list of 5 things you can do instead of sulking that your goals are not ticked off your list. Enjoy the read.

  1. Be proud of yourself. Yes, I know you didn’t achieve what you planned to. I just remembered the car, house, and land you wanted to get before July 2022. I am sorry it didn’t happen, but did you look at the other things you achieved? I am talking about the daily goals you crush with multiple noticeable outcomes. Please, instead of being disappointed in yourself, raise your shoulders high and be proud. You handled things the best way you could. Well-done!
  2. Be realistic: A major reason why you have not achieved some of your goals is that they are unrealistic. I remember there was a time I wanted to lose some weight, from 84kg to 60kg in a month with no exercise or dieting. I ended the month weighing 90kg, simply because my goal was unrealistic. While miracles happen, make sure your goals are realistic. It helps in reducing sulking. When you are being realistic, you set goals that you have a chance of achieving with defined paths to follow.
  3. Evaluate your goals: Yes we aren’t sulking about them, but we are still evaluating them. Let’s see what happened. Where did we miss the point? What distracted us? An evaluation helps you to know what went wrong and possible ways to fix it. Evaluation of goals isn’t a once-in-a-while activity; it requires consistency and commitment. Last year I made a post on goal evaluation. Feel free to check it out and learn the ways to evaluate your goals.
  4. Declutter: Your house, office, and mail are not the only places that require decluttering. Your goal list needs that, your routine needs that, your lifestyle needs that too. Many times, what we plan to do is toxic and hinders our growth. For instance, I am saving to get new clothes when I have over 20 sets of clothes I have never worn. Getting new clothes at the moment is wrong and must be off my goal list. Removing unnecessary things as goals makes it easier to achieve them and has less frown when evaluating. Also, it gives one room to add important things to the list as they come up.
  5. Enjoy yourself: I know you are waiting for this. There is no better way to stop sulking than this. You are working hard for yourself and your body deserves some rest. You probably didn’t achieve a lot because you were stressed or in an uncomfortable place. Feel free to move, remove toxic stuff, and stop being toxic too. Go on dates, enjoy music, swim, and eat good food. Go to the spa and get a massage, take long drives, clear your head and be ready to make the second half of the year so much better!

End notes

It’s never too late to set realistic goals, but before then, do all the things on this list and make sure that you do not have a reason to sulk at the end of the year!



Amos Rebecca

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